General Outpatient services
Our Hospital provides General Outpatient services 24 hours every day. We take pride in ensuring that most of our clients are clerked and reviewed by a qualified Medical Doctor; a practice that we have mantained since we started way back in 2018.
Our services are holistic, client-centred but yet affordable to the general population. These services encompass a wide range of treatments and procedures aimed at handling most acute and chronic medical conditions. These services also effectively assist clients with emergency conditions.
Routine medical examinations and tests are also attended to.
Our staff are dedicated, skilled and professional hence ensuring that you get the best outcome out of your visit to Kigezi Community Hospital
Inpatient services
Kigezi Community Hospital provides 24 hours in-patient care per day. The facility has a 34-bed capacity and is situated in a hospitable environment that is accessible. The facility is also endowed with relevant equipment to provide accurate results and ensure client comfort while they stay at the Hospital.
Maternity services
Our Maternity Unit services transcend above expectations in providing round the clock Comprehensive Emergency Maternal, Obstetric and NewBorn services. This includes among others normal deliveries, Caesarean sections and Blood transfusion; the last services being outsourced from a nearby blood bank.
Our skilled midwives and doctors provide standard packages and also client-tailored packages during Antenantal and Postnatal visits, delivery and also when seeking family planning services. This has ensured that we stay in line with the pillars of safe motherhood. Thousands of lives have benefited!
General Surgery services
Kigezi Community Hospital provides surgery to numerous clients ranging from those that need relatively small procedures such as excisions to specialist general surgery procedures such as Open prostatectomy, cholecystectomies and others.
Our general surgeon is keen on ensuring that life-saving procedures that clients need to cure or alleviate their morbidity are performed from our catchment area safely instead of clients having to trek several kilometres in such of the same.
Ultrasound scan services
Kigezi Community Hospital provides the much needed Ultrasound scan services. Skilled staff are able to visualise the clients eligible external and internal organs most especially in the abdomen and pelvis. This non-invasive, safe and comfortable service enables us to diagnose and treat many conditions especially within women - both pregnant and non-pregnant and also ensures that the care we provide is comprehensive.
X-ray services
Our X-ray services utilise modern X-ray equipment to provide diagnostic images about our clients' internal organs and bones and these help us in timely interventions, Some of the common uses for this is fractured bones, chest infections and complications, suspicion of perforation of gut, among others. Some tests such as Hysterosalpingogram and CUG are also availale but on appointment only.
Our Laboratory services
We are delighted to introduce to you our medical laboratory which offers a catalogue of tests performed by qualified staff. The results for these tests are availed within the expected turn around time and this saves time for the clients.
The laboratory tests we conduct are numerous and almost all of them are available any time needed. However a few of the tests are available depending on how frequent they are being utilised in a given period and also depending on whether a client has ordered for the test.
The routine laboratory tests are as follows:
- Hematology tests examine the composition of mostly normal and abnormal cells in our blood and here we perform a Complete Blood count, Hemoglobin Concentration and Blood Smear for malaria parasites
- Basic Biochemistry Tests which include Blood sugar
- Chemistry tests examine the functioning and the pathology of different organs and systems and here we perform Liver function tests, Kidney function tests, Serum electrolytes, Fasting Lipid profile, Serum amylase (for the pancreas) and Serum urate (for Gout)
- Serological tests. Here we do Typhoid IgG and IgM tests, Hepatitis B test, HIV tests, Helicobacter pylori test, Brucella test, Syphilis tests, and Rheumatoid factor test
- Immunochemistry tests. Here we routinely do PSA (for Prostate Cancer). Some other tests which can be done after booking include Thyroid function tests, D-Dimers(for blood clot), Other tumor markers such as AFP (for Cancer of the Liver), CEA (for cancer of the Colon). We can also do HbA1c (for Diabetes Melitus), CK-MB, BNP and Myo (for the heart), and CRP (for Infection and inflammation)
- Urine tests. We mostly do Urinalysis examine the urine mostly using macroscopy, biochemistry and microscopic approaches
- Stool analysis. We mostly examine the stool for ova and cysts
- Hormonal tests. Here we routinely do hCG test for pregnancy
Others include Sputum analysis for AFBS(for TB), Cervical cancer Screening, and High Vaginal Swab. Soom we intend to introduce Culture and Drug sensitivity tests on Blood and Urine
Our Dental Unit services
Kigezi Community Hospital has a modern dental chair with appropriate accessories and other relevant tools to provide cutting edge dental care. Our services include tooth extractions - both ordinary and complicated, amalgam and composite filling, dentures, polishing, bridges, root canal therapy and wiring among others.
Our Dental team
Our Corporate Health Insurance services
We also partner with Corporate Health Insurances in health service delivery. Our partners in the health insurance sector include AAR, UAP Old Mutual, Prudential, Jubilee insurance, ICEA Lion, IML and Liberty insurance schemes
We also provide services to NWSC, CHICO, Goro Cotages, Agro-organic ventures and other companies based in our catchment area.
Our Health care services to CDCs
We provide health care services to Child development Centres including Kihihi, Burema, Nyamirama, Kyehunde, Matanda, Rushaka, and others These services mostly include health screening and treatment of medical conditions
Our Orthopaedic services
With an experienced and compassionate orthopaedic Officer, Kigezi Community Hospital provides a wide range of services which have reduced morbidity resulting from trauma mostly due to road traffic accidents. These services include POP casts of various forms, skin traction, braces, manual reduction and manipulation of dislocations.
Our Health Promotion services
We conduct radio talk shows on popular radio stations situated in Kanungu district but tuned in by millions of people mostly in the western region of Uganda. We also conduct community sensitisation meetings so as to impact positively on our esteemed clients in the catchment population in terms of disease prevention and health promotion.
The facility has also routinely participated in the local Cooperate league where our partners get to exercise in aerobic drills and play soccer and these help in improving their cardiovascular and mental health
We ourselves provide a relatively cheap maternity package where mothers can pay a smaller amount during every scheduled Antenatal visit and undergo delivery or Caesarean section at greatly subsidised prices.
In addition we are in the planning phase of a Community Based Insurance Scheme which we believe will revolutionalise the health sector in our catchment area. We gladly invite you to be part of this just cause.